Kinds of sentences
There are four kinds sentences:
1. Interrogative sentences
(i) How old are you?
(ii) Where do you study?
(iii) Who is your best friend?
All the above sentences ask a question.Such sentences are called interrogative sentences.They start with a capital letter and end with a question mark(?).
2. Imperative sentences
(i) Close the door.
(ii) Walk carefully.
(iii) Please get me a glass of water.
The above sentences either command , request or advice.Such sentences are called imperative sentences. These sentences start with a capital letter and end with a full stop(.) .
3. Exclamatory sentences
(i) How beautiful the Taj Mahal is !
(ii) What a pretty dress this is !
(iii) Alas! He lost his Grandfather.
The above sentences show a sudden feeling of sadness, amazement or joy.Such sentences are called exclamatory sentences.They express sudden feelings like excitment , sadness, happiness, anger etc.
4. Declarative sentences or Assertive sentences
(i) I like to eat chocolates.
(ii) The boy is sleeping.
(iii) This is my book.
The above sentences are statements.They do not ask questions.They do not give commands.Each of the above sentences states or says something . If a statement has 'no' or 'not' in it, it is called a negative statement.
For example: (i) I do not like to eat chocolates.
(ii) The child is not sleeping.
(iii) This is not my book.
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